Friday, October 30, 2009

Project 4: Automation

For this project, we had to work with automation. If I did it correctly, you would make your pattern or whatever and then open up the mixer (which is right next to the step sequencer, piano roll, playlist, etc. options). You would have a whole bunch of different volume controls, and then 2 more on the right. Then there was an overall volume control for that selected pattern.
My inspiration for this 30-ish (less) second long thing was Utada Hikaru/Wakeshima Kanon/J-Pop. I was going for a kind of techno-pop feel.
I just used a simple drum loop (there was 2 right in a row, and then 1 on the next beat) with this funky bass I found...BASS_EmEf_C2. There was only one note for that, but I really liked it. Reminded me of Dr. Acula.
In the beginning of Simple and Clean/Hikari there is this girl breathing and the effects on it just sound really kool, and you can tell they're repeating it over each other and messing with the volume, and basically everything they can.
I made the volume sort of fade in from the beginning, as well as change the sound of the actual kick drum. It sounded a lot softer and less well...BANG and high-pitched (somewhat).
Then I added the bass in (which I kept fairly original).

Project 3: FX

For this project, we had to use some effects (FX).
I wanted to make the beginning a bit slower than my other one, but I didn't want it to be as happy sounding. haha shaddup.
For inspiration, I was listening to CoF and some screamo (I Love it).
As for my introduction, I wanted it to make the listener sense something more was going to happen. I used the BellAir PAD for one beat. Then I added in a chopped melody for the piano (FL Keys) on middle C (minor nail).
I had a put a 'phasered' BooBass on middle C, too, play really quietly every time the piano started again.
I used the delay on a simple drum loop in the background because it made it sound like syncopation without going through all of the trouble to figure it out in the step sequencer for what sounded right or correct.
Originally, in this loop, I was going to put some distorted guitar in here. But, then I figured I already had my 3 main parts...and I didn't really want to have to mess it up or recreate it to make it fit. Might add to it later, for fun.
I added some people that were in the vocals section because, haha, I liked it and they fit pretty well.

Project 2: The Chop Tool, FPC and Transpose function

For this project, we had to use the chop tool and the transpose function. It was pretty easy, I just have trouble sticking to one sound and making everything flow with that.
So, finally, I decided 'Let's just start with bass, I Love it, and the drums are getting me angry.'
Opened up FL Slayer instead of BooBass 'cause I can't hear that thing.
None of the stuff sounded was WAY too choppy, and I didn't want it sounding like that (for now). Clicked the reset button, and that made it 1/100 notes (not really, but close enough). Liked that.
Started off on Middle C (C5?) on the piano roll. Then I made a new pattern and transposed that exactly one octave up, if I'm remembering correctly. Yeah, I should probably check, but I'm just not gonna.
I couldn't really remember where to find the pre-made drum loops (probably in the most obvious area, but whatever). So, I made my own. Used a kick drum and the snare drum. Nothin' else, 'cause it took too much to get it to go, and I thought it sounded pretty good.
Each bass pattern went 2 times each, on repeat once. I added the first bass that was alone for like 1 second right before the guitar, just because. Then I added in the guitar.
I think I chose the Superstition chop function for that one (middle C again). Then I transposed it up exactly one octave. Each guitar pattern went 4 times. Went back to the bass, (high then low), on repeat once.
Then I used the higher octave guitar for 3 times. I did an odd number, because the rest of the patterns went a pretty even number of times.
Went back to the bass again, with my little drum loop. Ended it with 1 pattern of the higher bass.
The end. XD